=========================== What's new in PyPy2.7 7.2.0 =========================== .. this is a revision shortly after release-pypy-7.1.0 .. startrev: d3aefbf6dae7 .. branch: Twirrim/minor-typo-fix-1553456951526 Fix typo .. branch: jit-cleanup Remove rpython.jit.metainterp.typesystem and clean up related code in rpython/jit/ .. branch: datetime_api_27 Add ``DateTime_FromTimestamp`` and ``Date_FromTimestamp`` .. branch: semlock-deadlock Test and reduce the probability of a deadlock when acquiring a semaphore by moving global state changes closer to the actual aquire. .. branch: shadowstack-issue2722 Make the shadowstack size more dynamic .. branch: cffi-libs Move _ssl and _hashlib from rpython to a cffi-based module, like on python3. Reduces the number of problematic linked-in libraries (libssl, libcrypto) .. branch: fix-vmprof-memory-tracking Fix a bug that prevent memory-tracking in vmprof working on PyPy. .. branch: optimizeopt-cleanup Cleanup optimizeopt .. branch: copystrcontents-in-rewrite Remove ``copystrcontent`` and ``copyunicodecontent`` in the backends. Instead, replace it in ``rewrite.py`` with a direct call to ``memcpy()`` and new basic operation, ``load_effective_address``, which the backend can even decide not to implement. .. branch: arm64 Add a JIT backend for ARM64 (aarch64) .. branch: fix-test-vmprof-closed-file .. branch: fix_darwin_list_dir_test .. branch: apptest-file New mechanism for app-level testing using -D to test all apptest_*.py files .. branch: feature_closed_prop_to_rfile Add RFile.closed .. branch: cryptograhpt-2.7 Update vendored cryptography used for _ssl to 2.7 .. branch: compile_ncurses_tcl_tk_suse_latest Check for headers and runtime libraries in more locations to support other linuxes .. branch: openssl-for-macos Update _ssl on macos to statically link to openssl-1.1.1c .. branch: json-decoder-maps Much faster and more memory-efficient JSON decoding. The resulting dictionaries that come out of the JSON decoder have faster lookups too.