======================== What's new in PyPy3 2.4+ ======================== .. this is the revision after pypy3-release-2.4.x was branched .. startrev: 3f967c2be00e .. branch: py3k-memoryview Implement new memoryview features. .. branch: py3.3 .. branch: py3.3-hashfix Use intobject hash function for specialisedtuple .. branch: follow_symlinks Add support for dir_fd and follow_symlinks in posix.stat() .. branch: stat_ns Implement the st_xtime_ns fields in stat_result() .. branch: 33_fix_itertools Add pickling support for the itertools classes .. branch: py3k-update .. branch: py3k-get_clock_info .. branch: py3k-update .. branch: py3.5-time .. branch: py3.5-ssl .. branch: PEP393 Implement some level of compatibility with PEP 393 APIs.