======= pypy3 ======= .. note: this is turned into a regular man page "pypy3.1" by doing "make man" in pypy/doc/ SYNOPSIS ======== ``pypy3`` [*options*] [``-c`` *cmd*\ \|\ ``-m`` *mod*\ \|\ *file.py*\ \|\ ``-``\ ] [*arg*\ ...] OPTIONS ======= -i Inspect interactively after running script. -O Skip assert statements. -OO Remove docstrings when importing modules in addition to ``-O``. -c CMD Program passed in as ``CMD`` (terminates option list). -S Do not ``import site`` on initialization. -s Don't add the user site directory to `sys.path`. -u Unbuffered binary ``stdout`` and ``stderr``. -h, --help Show a help message and exit. -m MOD Library module to be run as a script (terminates option list). -W ARG Warning control (*arg* is *action*:*message*:*category*:*module*:*lineno*). -E Ignore environment variables (such as ``PYTHONPATH``). -B Disable writing bytecode (``.pyc``) files. -X track-resources Produce a ``ResourceWarning`` whenever a file or socket is closed by the garbage collector. --version Print the PyPy version. --info Print translation information about this PyPy executable. --jit ARG Low level JIT parameters. Mostly internal. Run ``--jit help`` for more information. ENVIRONMENT =========== ``PYTHONPATH`` Add directories to pypy3's module search path. The format is the same as shell's ``PATH``. ``PYTHONSTARTUP`` A script referenced by this variable will be executed before the first prompt is displayed, in interactive mode. ``PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE`` If set to a non-empty value, equivalent to the ``-B`` option. Disable writing ``.pyc`` files. ``PYTHONINSPECT`` If set to a non-empty value, equivalent to the ``-i`` option. Inspect interactively after running the specified script. ``PYTHONIOENCODING`` If this is set, it overrides the encoding used for *stdin*/*stdout*/*stderr*. The syntax is *encodingname*:*errorhandler* The *errorhandler* part is optional and has the same meaning as in `str.encode`. ``PYTHONNOUSERSITE`` If set to a non-empty value, equivalent to the ``-s`` option. Don't add the user site directory to `sys.path`. ``PYTHONWARNINGS`` If set, equivalent to the ``-W`` option (warning control). The value should be a comma-separated list of ``-W`` parameters. ``PYPYLOG`` If set to a non-empty value, enable logging, the format is: *fname* or *+fname* logging for profiling: includes all ``debug_start``/``debug_stop`` but not any nested ``debug_print``. *fname* can be ``-`` to log to *stderr*. The *+fname* form can be used if there is a *:* in fname ``:``\ *fname* Full logging, including ``debug_print``. *prefix*\ ``:``\ *fname* Conditional logging. Multiple prefixes can be specified, comma-separated. Only sections whose name match the prefix will be logged. ``PYPYLOG=jit-log-opt,jit-backend:logfile`` will generate a log suitable for *jitviewer*, a tool for debugging performance issues under PyPy. ``PYPY_IRC_TOPIC`` If set to a non-empty value, print a random #pypy IRC topic at startup of interactive mode. .. include:: ../gc_info.rst :start-line: 7 SEE ALSO ======== **python3**\ (1)